I’ll Start…
spinlife.com Spinlife is a great place to buy travel scooters and lots of other medical equipment. I purchased my Go-Go Elite travelscooter from them and it was delivered right to my door. Been using it ever since! The people on the phone are efficient, courteous, helpful and scooters are well-priced.
- post-polio.org Post-Polio Health International (PHI) fosters education, advocacy, research, and networking regarding all post-polio topics.
- polio place Polio Place is a website library collection created by PHI to showcase the past and present stories of polio survivors around the world. It is fascinating.
- polio australia Polio Australia is fun to read! There are all kinds of post-polio things going on down under!
- ncphd The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is positioned to affect change in health promotion/obesity management among people with disabilities through its existing 15-year history of providing advocacy, services and programs to numerous organizations and people throughout the USA. This website has all kinds of useful information for those of us who are living with polio on how to stay active and healthy.
Amazon.com is such an efficient bunch for us. I discovered that I can purchase Travel Johns there. These are nifty go-anywhere disposable urinals that can be used on long road trips, camping trips, inaccessible bathrooms, or discreetly on airplanes. Check them out: Travel Johns
- Amigo Mobility Amigo Mobility International, Inc. The scooter I use all day every day at home and when I’m out and about is my mid-size Amigo. Al Thieme was a young man working as a plumbing and heating contractor in Bridgeport, Mich. when a family member began to lose her mobility due to multiple sclerosis. Witnessing this loss of independence, he worked in the evenings, after his day job, to create an innovative form of mobility. Thieme went on to invent the first ever power operated vehicle/scooter – the Amigo. The rest is history. There are Amigo dealers all over the world.
Now it’s your turn…
- The Michigan Polio Network offers great support to polio survivors everywhere. President, Bruce Sachs invites us all to check out their website…
The Pennsylvania Polio Survivor Network has a new website: http://www.papolionetwork.org/ Check it out! It’s comprehensive and easy to navigate.