Let’s live well and live it up!
The focus of this blog is on LIFESTYLE and the art of living well as we grow into our later life years. Polio survivors learned early how to adapt to physical changes. They have life-tested wisdom to share with everyone who gathers here. It’s all about growing older with grace and skill. And…it’s all about having fun together along the way.
Come in! Have a seat at this blogger’s “kitchen table” for great conversation. Friends, family members, helping professionals– including our worldwide neighbors– all are more than welcome to join our gathering here. You are never alone. Let me pour you a virtual cup of coffee or tea. Then let’s share ideas and experiences about how to feel good and make life work–right here, right now. I’m listening.
Ever hear of the post-polio “wise elders?” Well, they are a group of 15 polio survivors over the age of 65 who are viewed by their fellow post-polio support group members as role models for late life success. They are happy and are still making a contribution to their communities. When I traveled across America and asked these “wise elders” about their secrets for living well and feeling good in late life with polio they told me that their happiness directly related to embracing self-acceptance and making adaptations, tapping into the right resources and being surrounded by loved ones.
They went on to recommend that we all must work to:
Enjoy life
One 85-year-young polio survivor zip-lines at the Colorado Post-Polio Wellness Retreat. “All things are possible…”
Stay optimistic
Remain connected to our network of family and friends
Assertively seek and tap into available resources that will help us stay healthy and happy
But exactly HOW do we do that?
How do you do that?
What has worked for you?
Let’s talk! Let’s exchange information, ideas, experiences.
My plan is to post on this blog (short for web-log), as often as possible. And then I’ll hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for stopping by.
Wonderful surprises are just around the corner and up the next hill for us…
Onward and Upward,SunnySunnySunnyP.S. Please check out the categories on this blog’s right sidebar. Guided by the wise elders’ advice, the information under each one may be just what you’re looking for–a source of hope and help.
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P.P.S.S. Seeking medical advice?
Connect to Post-Polio Health International (PHI) for the world’s largest and most scientifically up-to-date compendium of national and international post-polio resources.

Hiking with help at the Bay Cliff Post-Polio Wellness Retreat in Michigan. (Left: Dr. Fred Maynard; right, Mr. Bruce Sachs, former President, Michigan Polio Network) Photo by Diane Dych-Sachs